Lake Champlain Maritime Museum

Take a stroll over to Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, just a quick walk off Basin Harbor campus, and explore the history, archaeology, and ecology of the lake! Founded in 1985, today the Maritime Museum encompasses a 3-acre campus and features a myriad of fascinating exhibit buildings, hands-on activities, boat building, rowing, and underwater research. There’s something for everyone at this uniquely local community museum. Learn about the role Lake Champlain played in the American Revolution, dive into the history of canal boats uncovered from shipwrecks, explore the story of Prohibition in Vermont and beyond, shop local history books in the Museum Store, browse historic small boats, take a shipwreck tour, catch a free demonstration, and so much more! The Museum also holds sailing classes, nature canoe tours, group rowing lessons, and more throughout their season. The Museum is free for all to visit, open daily from 10 am to 4 pm.

Open daily (seasonally), 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Co-located on property, at the entrance of the resort
More info:
  • More info: Check the Museum’s website for upcoming events and to browse all open exhibits:
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